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With the rising rate of hacker attacks on technical infrastructure via IP or cellular networks, robustness and stability of security systems against this type of threat is crucial. Our company offers a comprehensive approach to this subject.

We adopt a comprehensive approach to the cybersecurity of a technical infrastructure. We offer solutions that go beyond the conventional, fragmentary and selective approach in this area.

Onsite equipment

Our solution is based on rule to use encrypted and monitored connections between system components. That includes user credentials, readers, controllers and IT infrastructure.


UltraSync services ensure stability, confidentiality and repeatability of external connections, which are supplied by our company as the manufacturer and provider of the end-to-end connection service.

Should you prefer to use a different option from the integrated UltraSync services, we have an equivalent proposal using IP & LTE communication and secure encrypted OH receivers.

Management Software

Whether you have one control panel in a suburban summer house or thousands of commercial premises - the software to manage your property is part of the system and, like the remaining components, is a subject to regular external verification by recognized authorities.

Mobile Apps

Always with you, always online, fast response to events, push notifications and instant decision-making - in a responsible and secure environment. Mobile applications are also part of the system and are subject to external verification and certification.


Fast - Reliable - Safe    All system components are certified by respected external instutions such as VdS, NFA2P and verified by government agencies.