Extension bracket for PB beam tower cover
Extension bracket for PB beam towers
IP Ceiling speaker with microphone (ZIPS-C)
IP horn speaker, high output with microphone (ZIPS-HHO)
IP Horn speaker with microphone (ZIPS-H))
IP Cabinet speaker with microphone (ZIPS-WC)
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8-32 zones DGP input expander, 3A power supply, medium metal housing, EN Grade 3 Class II
8 input expander for ATS120x(E)
Plug-in input expander, 8-way
4 Relay plug on card
8-16 zone DGP input expander, small plastic housing, EN50131 Grade 3 Class II
8 to 16 zone DGP input expander, large plastic housing, EN50131 Grade 3 Class II
16-32 zones Gen2 868AM wireless receiver including plastic housing
Relay board, 4-way
Relay board, 8-way
32 zones 433Mhz wireless receiver DGP
8-32 zones DGP input expander, 3 A power supply, large metal housing, EN Grade 3 Class II
Plug-in output expander, 16-way
Intelligent 4-8 Door Controller with 12V PSU
8 -16 zones DGP expander, no PSU, Metal housing, EN50131 Grade 3 Class II
Intelligent door DGP